From Scars to Beauty Marks

Poem by Katherine Sylvester

This poem was inspired by all of the amazing people who gave me the honor of working on their scars. Thank you for allowing me to experience the wonderful healing power of releasing them.

Releasing 60 scars in 60 days
That was the original goal
Independent of location, shape or size
Regardless of how young or old
From gunshot wounds and car accidents 
To knee replacements and kidney transplants 
Hernia repairs to colon resections
Hysterectomies to cesarean sections
In a little over a month, my hands confirmed what my mind had always known
That scar tissue, when left to its own devices, can take on a life of its own
It lays itself down haphazardly in all different directions 
Then multiplies and wreaks havoc in a mamas midsection 
From the appearance of the scar to what lies beneath to the abnormal feelings 
Scar tissue evolves into so much more than just the evidence of healing 
It can be the cause of unexplained pain and stubborn belly fat
Numbness in the abdomen, discomfort in the back
Unpredictable leaking and chronic constipation
Decreased core stability and muted elation
Scar massage serves to re-lay the foundation and the difference can be felt almost instantly
But for true transformation, it must be followed up with stretching and strengthening consistently 
So why 60 you might ask? I was wondering that too
Because each release revealed and confirmed for me what I’m supposed to do
Be the instrument that brings a mother closer to her goals
Reconnecting her with the core of who she is, helping her feel whole 
For every pound of weight lost and dress size reduced
Every feeling of normalcy and mental chain unloosed
Came with it a stronger determination on the inside of me
To be a catalyst for change in every delivery 
For like our heavenly father’s scars, a c-section brings forth life
So I refuse to stand by while mothers unknowingly allow scar tissue to produce strife 
Causing a mother’s body to war within itself and connect parts that should never be connected 
While the internet leads her to believe that another surgery is the only way to correct it
When in fact, scar tissue is necessary and, when laid down properly, is good
But it was never meant to negatively impact motherhood
A lot of what happens inside depends heavily on where scar tissue parks
And I now know that I was meant to guide moms from Scars to Beauty Marks