About Me

Through education, edification and a higher level of expectation, I give women permission to redefine motherhood and debunk the myth that childbirth means wearing pads, losing abs, energy deprivation and stiletto-wearing cessation.

After giving birth to my good and perfect gift, I realized that mothers could avoid a lot of issues associated with pregnancy and delivery if they had someone to guide them along the way. With that belief in mind, I developed two programs and created a course (The Comprehensive Guide to Helping Mamas Thrive) to teach these programs to PTs who also want to serve moms. Rediscover your M.U.S.I.C. focuses on helping mothers take care of themselves while caring for their babies and empowering them to rediscover who they were physically, emotionally, socially and intimately before they had children. From Scars to Beauty Marks focuses on the release of abdominal scars with an emphasis on scars resulting from cesarean delivery to eliminate the pain, discomfort and difficulty with weight loss that can accompany them immediately after childbirth and decades later if the scar tissue goes unaddressed.

My ultimate goal is to constantly remind moms through every interaction that they were made fearfully and wonderfully until they embrace that truth for themselves.

When I am not working, I enjoy traveling with my husband, outdoor exploring with my son, loving on my friends and family, volunteering, providing education in the community, mentoring PT students and young women, writing poetry and eating frozen yogurt.

My educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in spanish and psychology from Mercer University and a doctorate in physical therapy from the Medical College of Georgia.